SUVRATOONS – Santa and Solar Panel

Here in this SUVRATOONS, which show when Santa trying to enter a home he finds no chimney and instead of that Solar panels on the roof. SUVRATOONS-Christmas – Santa and Solar Panel. Subscribe yourself to and get weekly updated comic strip. We are on mission to put SMILE on your face in between your hectic schedules. Subscribe our Facebook Channel: Suvratoons; Instagram channel: Suvratoons

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SUVRATOONS – “Jeemna” is better than “Gym”

Here in this SUVRATOONS, which show some funny incidents while someone ask an overweight person to go to gym and get fit in a city which is famous for its different food and cuisine, check his reply. SUVRATOONS-Food over gym: Enjoy tasty food first. Subscribe yourself to and get weekly updated comic strip. We are on mission to put SMILE on your face in between your hectic schedules. Subscribe our Facebook Channel: Suvratoons; Instagram channel: Suvratoons

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SUVRATOONS – Gullu “Gunda”

In this cartoon, Gullu tried to bully his friend Balaji but forgot that he is a Black belt in Karate. What happens next is interesting. Just enjoy. suvratoons – Gullu “Gunda”. This world need love and respect so bullying anyone is not a good thing…. remember KARMA will come back to you again. Win friends and not enemy…GYAN (Knowledge) over, now enjoy cartoon…

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SUVRATOONS – Freezing day and online class

During this Corona pandemic kids are suffering with online class stress. They can’t meet their friends and have to attend classes online through mobile or laptop. This is more difficult during winter days when temperature is freezing cold…When they attend class from under the blankets…they sleep due to warmth during that freezing day…SUVRATOONS – Freezing day and online class, shows that same concept…our character Gullu get ready for class but sleeps under the blankets during such freezing day. Don’t want to miss any new SUVRATOONS…Juts Subscribe yourself on this website and get free SUVRATOONS comic free…


SUVRATOONS - Freezing day and online class
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Studying too much MATHEMATICS for his course our beloved Gullu simplify every digit he sees…. In this SUVRATOONS -Too much MATHS gig, Gullu simplifies digits displayed on digital clock by painting on that…spoiled room wall colour and furniture…but forgot that what will be his mom’s reactions. She is upset because now they need to paint walls again and furniture too…as a middle-class family this is tough task.

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SUVRATOONS – Missing Canteen Food

In new SUVRATOONS – Missing Canteen Food, people are missing office canteen food. They are forced to eat food made by self or wife (when no one good in making food). In office we have canteen committee which resolve any problem related to food quality, but this facility is not available in home….So is this the reason people are missing office?….hmmm


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