If you are looking for converting your TechSmith Camtasia project in latest version to older version, that is possible. In TechSmith Camtasia: How downgrade to older version, we are going to talk about How to downgrade Camtasia version 2021 file to Camtasia 2018 version. Register and subscribe to our website and get a SUVRATOONS comic book FREE.
While working on Camtasia project I got to know that have a Camtasia version 2021 file (which was given by my client) but I have Camtasia 2018 install in my system. My client told me that they are not able to convert this file into 2018 version as this is not possible at their end, so I need to find the solution.
After my research I got to know the simple solution. And here it is:
- Make a copy of your Project file as “activity-01-v2018..tscproj”
- Now, right click on “activity-01-v2018..tscproj” and open it with notepad or any basic editor available with you.
- Now in Notepad, if your project file is from version 2021, you will see “version” : “5.0” in Notepad 11th row.
- You just need to change this version as per your Camtasia version, in my case I am using Camtasia version 2018. So, change “version” : “5.0” to “version” : “2.0”
- Bingo! work done.
- After that, open this “activity-01-v2018..tscproj” in you Camtasia 2018 version. Your problem solved.
- Similarly, for downgrading to other versions, change version 5 to 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5…
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When I try this and change it from 2022 to 2018 (6 to 2), it removes all by clips/cuts from the timeline, so I have to start over. Any recommendations?