Since our childhood, the words of wisdom, ‘Be kind to others,’ have been ingrained in us, so what has happened to us? The Decline in basic vaules in marriage and value of life seems like nothing for many of us. Suicide is such a horrendous act that it shakes the related and the unrelated ones equally.
As a child and adult, I remember suicide cases were rare, hardly making news. Today, however, they are becoming increasingly common. Ending a life means feeling of hopelessness and helplessness to an extreme, where a person is burdened under miseries, completely lost in pain. Why are suicide cases becoming so regular in news?
The nation is shaken by the recent tragic ending of AI engineer from the computer city of India and he has committed suicide citing marital issues. The engineer working in a private company left a suicide note giving the details for the extreme step.
But how can someone push others to this level of cruelty? Marriage is such a noble bond uniting not only two individuals but also their families into one unit. Why are we losing empathy and the basis of life? Lack of faith, kindness and love is destroying lives of many. Instead of ‘We’ it’s becoming ‘You VS Me’. Generally it’s a woman who gets the attention after such incidents and men hardly get any support. We were always made to believe that women suffer the most to raise a child and keep her family happy, but have we ever realised that men are equally putting the same efforts for their families?
The efforts and sacrifice of a man are undervalued and given less attention and they are believed to be so powerful that they can’t show their pain nor can they cry, also they work tirelessly to give the best of everything to their families and are always underrated for the same. In Fact man also suffers the same trauma and can die unnaturally due to pain.
Relations are getting volatile in nature these days. Zero tolerance, little compatibility, and less understanding amongst the couples is increasing day by day. The institution of marriage is losing respect and faith.
Everyone wants freedom to live their life on their own terms and today it’s coming at the cost of divorce and breakups. In the past, relationships were carried out with full responsibility but now it’s becoming casual. No one wants to think twice before ending it.
The causes
We can’t imagine the extent of stress, pain and hopelessness in the person who ends his life. After going through all the possibilities of any hope left, would one take such an extreme step. We are moving in a direction of self-centeredness. The feeling of thinking about others is giving place to self needs only.
The families are getting nuclear day by day with the result the children are not receiving that warmth and compassion in the nature of relations which was there in the past. We all learn from elders and we understand the things around us through the knowledge of our elders. With small single families, the strength of bonds and importance of relations is losing its vigour.
We should set an example for children by teaching them the meaning of willing sacrifice to restore family happiness and prioritizing others over self-satisfaction. This is necessary to develop happier, loving and caring generations. Our kids are the future and showing them the basic values will strengthen their roots and give them happier and peaceful lives.
They need to deeply understand the importance of harmonious relations. This doesn’t mean one has to die under the burden of toxicity, but one should always try to live for peace, harmony and create a healthy atmosphere so that we don’t feel sad for anyone like today.
The person taking his life leaves behind his family in an utter ruined state. This end has no new beginnings as the loss of the dear one is irreparable. Careless behaviour, egoistic arguments, sarcasm, all these negative traits bring a relation to an end. The irony is that people hardly realise that they are actually sabotaging their own life by savaging the other.
To carry out any bond, we need to restore the true meaning of care and love. We are rushing and running so fast that we don’t have time for our basic values however there is restlessness in all of us which is driving our thoughts and actions and we need to pause and look after ourselves and our environment. This is much needed to break from the anxiety and stress of today’s lifestyle.
We should build a peaceful, caring and loving atmosphere around us to show the progeny the value of respect and support amongst a family.
In last, find my article on the stress of the students and its impact in this link: Article
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Blog writer: Meeti Kotia
#parenting #marriage #mentalhealth #sucide #stress #mentalstress #relationships